Main axes of research development
The research strategy followed by the University of Ioannina is consistent with the research objectives of its Departments and the relevant Senate decisions. Its purpose is to help strengthen and upgrade scientific and technical research at University level, and contribute to the development of a unified European Research Area.
Research policy includes the following actions:
- cooperation between Departments and department faculty members in basic research fields;
- promotion of interdepartmental and interdisciplinary research in cutting-edge fields;
- enhancement of research staff and development of sufficient research infrastructure at University level;
- assistance of department faculty members in publishing research results and rewarding significant research activities based on evaluation;
- management of the Special Research Account reserve funds to finance research activities;
- raising of funds to finance basic research from the Ministry of Education and other government entities and international institutions;
- assurance of transparency and ethics in research;
- focus on needs-driven research that will contribute to the economic and cultural development of the Epirus Region.

Specific goals and work schedule
- Support pioneering research and innovation in order to generate new scientific knowledge and research results that will serve the community;
- Upgrade and modernize research infrastructure;
- Search for additional financing for research;
- Connect research with teaching and the diffusion of research results;
- Promote interdepartmental and inter-university cooperation in research, at national and international level;
- Launch new cooperations between our University and local and regional authorities;
- Reliable and efficient funds management with transparency and prudence.
Measures to achieve our goals
Since 1982, the University of Ioannina has been running a Special Research Fund for the allocation and management of funds from any source that are intended to cover any kind of expenses necessary for:
- the needs of research, educational, training, development and continuous learning projects and projects developed to provide scientific and technical services;
- special studies, testing, measurements, lab tests and analyses, the preparation of opinions and specifications on behalf of third parties, and other relevant services or activities that contribute to linking education and research with production.